The following was written by our oldest daughter after our study.
Adam and Eve
by Skyla
Genesis 1:26a And God said,
"Let us make man in our image, after our likeness."
In this verse, God has created a man named Adam, who
lived in the Garden of Eden. God gave Adam a special job to do. His job was to name all of
the animals in the Garden of Eden. Adam must have been very smart to name all of those animals.
But Adam was alone. He needed a companion. So God
put Adam in a deep sleep, and took one of his ribs. Then God made Eve. When Adam woke up, he
was surprised to see a beautiful woman.
God gave Adam and Eve one rule: "Every tree in
the garden you may eat of, except the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil."
Then one day, the Devil went into a serpent or snake
and said, "What did God say about this tree?"
Eve said, "God said that Adam and I are not supposed
to eat the fruit of it, or even touch it. And if we do, we will die."
And the snake said, "You will not surely
die. For God knows that if you eat the fruit, you will be as a god." This was a lie.
But Eve wanted to be a god. So she ate some fruit.
She called Adam and gave him some, too. Then they noticed that they were naked! So they took
some leaves and put them together for clothes, then hid.
When God came to talk to them, He saw that Adam and
Eve were not there. He knew where they were but He still asked, "Adam, where are you?"
Adam and Eve came out. Then God asked, "Did you eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good
and Evil?" Adam asnwered and said, "This woman you gave me, made me eat it."
Eve said, "But the serpent tricked me."
Then God called the serpent, and said, "From
now on, you will crawl on your belly!" The serpent was very angry at Eve for "telling"
on him.
Then God turned to Adam and Eve, and said, "Child
birth will be painful, and it will be hard to grow things."
Then God killed a lamb for clothes for Adam and Eve.
Adam and Eve were very sorry for what they did and they were sad because the lamb was killed.
Adam and Eve were very sorry, and often wished that they could undo that terrible sin.